Finques Zaragoza joins YoMeQuedoEnCasa (IStayAtHome)

The team of Finques Zaragoza has joined the #yomequedoencasa and for this reason we are pleased, although virtually, to know that somehow we can reach all of you since due to the COVID-19 and the current regulations in which we are forced to stay at home, on March 14 we were forced to close our door to the public.
Is Finques Zaragoza still working from home?
We are here to let you know that since the confinement, we have continued to work and answer all your calls and emails from our home. Therefore, although we have been forced to close to the public, we have not given up and we inform you that we are fully available to all of you, both by phone and email, as well as through social networks and we will continue to be so for as long as it takes to provide service to all of our customers.
From Finques Zaragoza, we take this opportunity to give a message of tranquility and inform you that it is very important that we all stay at home to fight against Coronavirus and answering questions that may arise related to our real estate:
What can real estate agencies do or not do at this time?
The following are the most frequently asked questions regarding the development of the activity of the APIs during the validity of the Royal Decree 463/2020
These have been intense days for everyone and we are receiving an avalanche of queries and doubts about the current situation and the possibility of developing certain tasks in our day to day. Below, you will find a series of answers to the most frequently asked questions we have received. We will continue to update the information during the next few days:
Can I attend to customers in person?
No. Article 7 of "Royal Decree Law 463/2020 of 14 March", which declares the State of Alarm, establishes the limitation of the freedom of movement of people and does not allow it, since our activity does not fall within the exceptions provided. It is not possible to collect documentation or maintain contacts. This means that our offices/offices or establishments must be closed to the public.
Can I show floors?
No, for the above reason. The intrinsic characteristics of our work, which very often require personal contact, would fall within the prohibitions of the Royal Decree Law and the health recommendations issued.
What about compliance with dates in signed deposit contracts and others that require compliance within the period of limitation of the free movement of persons?
The contractual relations established have not received any treatment or mention in the Royal Decree-Law, so it will remain, unfortunately, within the criteria of interpretation and the goodwill and willingness of the parties to reach an understanding. Only Additional Provision 4 the referred to suspends all prescription periods of all actions and rights during the period of validity of the State of Alarm and its extensions.
However, we would like to give you our opinion. The exceptional circumstances in which we find ourselves allow us to invoke the current situation of force majeure as a reason for not being able to comply with the time limits and possible other contractually contracted obligations.
In this regard, it is advisable to inform the parties and try to get both to agree to the suspension of the deadline, which can be resumed for the time remaining after the end of this period of restriction on the free movement of persons.
We also recommend that, exceptionally, consent be obtained by telematic means, given the impossibility of bringing the parties together.
Can I make an appointment with the notary?
No. The notary will only carry out urgent actions.
You must contact the notary's office by email or telephone and it will be the notary who will assess the urgency.
The General Council of the Notary's Office has advised to reduce the authorization of notarial documents to the maximum, except for serious situations or those that do not allow for postponement, such as situations of illness. In this case, the required health measures must be taken.
Can I sign a contract now?
No. Given the impossibility of circulation, clients cannot go out to sign a contract or arrange and hold meetings.
Can we sign a contract for electronic signature?
It is possible, as long as all parties have the tools for electronic signature, although, given the exceptional situation of State of Alarm, it would be more prudent not to do so.
In this regard, we remind you that a scanned pdf is not an electronic signature.
Do I have to pay the deposit on time?
As we have already commented in other answers, all procedural and administrative deadlines and in all court orders are suspended during the State of Alarm. The posting of bail falls under this section.
However, the Chamber of Urban Property, for those who may be interested, has defined a special procedure for entry. To use it, it will be necessary to contact the Chamber by phone.
With the new situation, is the landlord obliged to accept a temporary rent reduction?
No. The LAU does not provide for a temporary reduction in rent.
However, the landlord and tenant can agree to reduce the rent for an agreed period of time.
Consult the Royal Decree 463/2020 here (
Although the confinement will last until after Easter, you can always contact us by phone at 0034/977 481 062 or by email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Together, we will get through this moment, we will see each other again and embrace, but until then, stay at home.