16 simple tricks to save at home

Reduce your expenses to a minimum with these easy tips


Electricity, water, air conditioning ... Today we want to share with you a few tricks to save at home, simple and effective gestures with which you will soon see great results!

Why do we find it so hard to save?

We are often aware that at any moment an unforeseen event can occur that will upset our financial forecasts.

So, having some savings could help us to cope with these overwhelming extra expenses. Then, if we know the theory, why the hell is it so hard for us to save?


Low income, social and economic context, personal situations... Although there may be many reasons why our little ceramic pig is always in the bones, the sad reality is that, most of the time, it is a blurred vision of our financial planning.


The good news is that there are different ways to reverse the situation, such as applying little tricks to save at home.



16 tips to save at home

  1. Check energy consumption: Turn off the lights when you are not in the room and unplug unused electronics.


  1. Reuse in an original way: give your furniture and other everyday products a second life (for example, glass jars can be made into original decorative elements with a little paint, string and a plant).


  1. Beware of water waste: during everyday tasks, such as washing yourself, brushing your teeth, washing your hands... turn off the tap when you are not using it.


  1. Attention with the leaks: a badly closed or leaking tap can be a real wreck. If you detect loss of water in taps and/or toilet, remember to turn off the tap when not in use.


  1. Use more efficient appliances: if by chance you have to renew any household appliance, remember to buy class A+++, A++ or A+, which consume less energy throughout their life.

  2. Check your contracts: compare the prices of your service providers and the type of contract (electricity, water, gas, etc.) to find out the features and whether they really work for you.


  1. Plan your lighting well: In addition to switching to LED bulbs, pay close attention to the color of the walls, because this simple element can help you to gain luminosity and, consequently, consume less light.


  1. Air conditioning for comfort: the optimum temperature is 20 °C, but also remember that aluminum windows are ideal for energy saving.


  1. Concentrates heat or cold: close the rooms you are not using so that heat (in winter) and coolness (in summer) remain in the part of the house you are using.


  1. Insulation mats: carpets and rugs are an economic resource for the insulation of the house, as well as providing warmth and design.


  1. Check the boiler: if it has dust or fat, it consumes more. And with regular maintenance, you can extend its life.


  1. Use the blinds: During the day, turn them up so that the sunlight illuminates well and helps you heat the house naturally. And at night, lower them to protect the house from the cold.


  1. Water sensibly: native plants need less water because they adapt better to the local climate. Use rainwater as a source of hydration for your plants.

  2. Full wash load: save on the washing machine and dishwasher by putting in a full load, and if you have to do it in a half load, use economical washing programs.


  1. Avoid hand-scrubbing: hand washing is much more expensive than using a dishwasher as it consumes more energy and water.


  1. Squeezes out waste heat: turn off the glass-ceramic cooker between two and five minutes before finishing cooking, because the residual heat is sufficient to achieve proper cooking but reducing your energy consumption.


You may find it a little difficult to adapt to these small gestures at first, but by applying these simple tricks to save at home, you will soon see good results. Do you dare?



And if you are looking for a new, more efficient home, contact us:

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